Quebrando o Silêncio: The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brazil launches podcasts to discuss violence in the family environment.

This Tuesday, August 24, the Seventh-day Adventist Church launches a series of podcasts that discuss domestic violence in its different spheres. The initiative is linked to the Quebrando o Silênciocampaign, which, this year, addresses the topic of Relief for the Family, in addition to bringing up topics debated in previous years, such as violence against women, suicide, child abuse, and violence against the elderly.
The programs in the series bring data that reveal the worrying Brazilian reality when it comes to violence against the most vulnerable. These numbers show social isolation, in the context of the pandemic, fostered cases of aggression and abuse within homes as victims and aggressors began to spend more time together in the same environment.
In addition to raising the issue, the initiative also seeks to contribute with solutions. Invited experts in different areas elucidate issues such as violence against women, followed by death, mental health, the different faces of violence, support and care for victims, and proposed alternatives to combat these evils.
Jeanete Lima, the coordinator of the “Breaking Silence” project in South America, reinforces that this proposal should serve a younger audience and spread the content in a practical way. “A podcast is easy to access, it can have a wide reach and can be listened to anytime, anywhere. What we want is that more people know what and how [sic] to do in situations of family violence. We also want to provide families with guidance on how to better protect themselves from abuse and violence,” explains Lima.
Audio will be available every day through Friday, August 27 on 7Castand major audio platforms.
Created in 2002, the project Quebrando o Silêncio aims to combat and prevent various types of addiction, abuse, and violence. It is promoted annually by the Seventh-day Adventist Church around the world. However, with different methodologies and themes, it is defined according to the reality of each region of the planet. In recognition of its relevance and social contribution, several Brazilian states have included in their official calendars a date to highlight the campaign.
This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Portuguese news site